We live with Technology Space

Our Consulting


Our Process of the Projects is based on our experience of over 30 years in High Technology market.

We believe this process is most effective and less cost, and every steps are visible and clear for clients.

A four-step consulting process has been designed to ensure that all client requirements, project reviews, and assessments are well understood by both parties. Clients and Ph2 consultants interactively work on projects to ascertain whether a project is moving forward under mutual consensus and understanding. Clients can monitor progress at each stage, prior to reaching the final stages. Each step is designed to understand a clients needs through Special Project Reviews & Assessments. Comprehensive Ph2 consulting procedures make certain that our clients get the quickest and most cost effective results.

Step 0 Interview and Approach

Understand and Review of client business and needs
Identify problems and possible solutions
Term, condition,Implementation timing and budget review
Project delivertives
Submit Step 0 proposal

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Step 1 Discovery Program (1-2 weeks)


Assign a designated consultant to initialize the project to meet the client's needs Study and understand the client's products and strategy in order to pursue projects

Hearing and survey from clients
Product OJT training. Market study for clients products
Detailed projects plan, delivertives and terms.
Signed None Disclosure (NDA)
Submit detailed proposal for sign-up

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Step 2 Phase 1 Project (10-15 weeks)


After detailed market analysis, a professional Ph2 consultant manages sales activities and marketing strategy development. Phase 1 of the project will provide the strategic direction (as well as leads of possible prospects or business partners).

Analysis and Develop Client's marketing strategy
Analysis of market opportunity and statistical review
Products review and target marketing
Market size analysis, Competitive analysis, Market opportunity, Prospecting and partner review

Based upon above analysis and review, Ph2 will provide followings

Develop Market Entry Model
Success factor analysis, Channel analysis, Organization strategy
Develop Marketing Strategy
Market promotion plan, Products strategy plan
Develop Sales Strategy
Market coverage strategy, Target Partner and Prospects, Competitive strategy, sales forecasting
develop Service Strategy
Plan of Service model, Named Service Partner
Plan and proposal for Phase2

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Step 3 Phase 2 Project (3-12 months)


The objective of Phase-2 will be to implement the business plan developed in Phase-1. The detailed contents of Phase-2 action items will be defined based on discussions between both parties after the completion of Phase-1.

During Phase 2 of the project, Ph2 members are expected to work closely with the client on a day-to-day basis, to execute the Phase 1 plan. Ph2 will continue project support until the client achieves measurable results.

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